Vail Mite Bobcats 1995-1996

The Vail Mites of 1995-1996 were a very talented group. We only had 9 skaters and one goalie, yet we played over 30 full ice games against the best teams in Colorado. One of my hockey philosophies is to play with small teams - the kids love it. Two of the players below (Mike Testwuide and Mike Garman) went on to play Division 1 hockey and professionally. We had a great time with bowling, laser quest, and other adventures. Most of this group are still friends today. All roads lead to men’s league - I’m not 70 and play against some of these guys today, all in their 30’s!

Row 1: Alex Biegler, Austin Chow, Mike Garman, Brad Myers, Chase Durrett

Row 2: Nick Garrett, Mike Testwuide, Jared Koenig, Garret ?, Turi Olsen

Row 3: Coach Barry Biegler, Coach Jim Meehan

Mites at the Vail Fourth of of July Parade, 1994